Snow Days are the best when you’re a kid – not necessarily when you’re the parent. Make the most of the unexpected time at home by doing these activities together!
Cuddle up on the couch and enjoy some screen time. Introduce your kids to the show you watched when you were younger – but with a modern spin.
Let your littles experience the magic of Motown – watch Motown Magic and then plan a visit to the museum!
Podcasts are really popular these days and not just for kids. Watch the snow fall outside, curl up with hot cocoa and tell Alexa to play one of these podcasts.
- Dream Big – 7-year-old Eva Karpman and her mom interview celebs, award winners, and experts in a range of fields each week, with a hope of encouraging young people to find their passion and follow their dreams.
- What If World – “What if Legos were alive?” and “What if sharks had legs?,” this series takes ridiculous “what if” questions submitted by young listeners and turns them into a new story
- Tumble – Often compared to a kid-friendly Radiolab, this podcast not only addresses fascinating topics but also tries to foster a love of science itself by interviewing scientists about their process and discoveries.
- The Past and the Curious – Another kid friendly version of an adult favorite, this podcast shares little-known stories from history (ala Drunk History) with an emphasis on fun and humor – there’s usually a silly catchy song at the end too.
Let out some energy with a ‘deck of cards’ cross fit, a dance party or yoga; then sit down, relax and have some fun with these board games:
You’re never to young to be in the kitchen. Whether it’s the job of dumping in measured ingredient or reading the recipe, here are some yummy treats to make at home (with ingredients that are probably in your pantry).
Pull out the art supplies and let the kids get creative. If you want a structured activity here are a few ideas.
- Vision Boards: Pull out old magazines or even the junk mail and let them put together their favorite things on paper.
- Happiness Jar: Grab an old mason jar (or a paper cup) and let the kids decorate it with paint, stickers or markers. When something good happens at school, at home or on the playground write it on a scrap piece of paper and put it in the jar to revisit on a rainy/disappointing day.
- Cardboard Dollhouse or Race Track: Put those Amazon boxes to use, make a new home for your littles favorite things.
Have fun with the phone! Let the kids put on a show or ask them interview questions and record them. No matter what happens at home during the day, you’ll love having video of them to look back on.