Dearborn is one of the most diverse cities in the country and there’s is plenty of reasons to visit. Here are our favorite kid-friendly actitivies.

The Henry Ford + Greenfield Village

The Henry Ford is one of metro Detroit’s most popular travel destinations. It’s open for family fun inside (the museum) and out (Greenfield Village). Explore history, ride in Model Ts and on a train, make a splash at the playground and have hands-on fun with dinosaurs.

Make A Splash At The Park

Cool down at one of the four spray pads in Dearborn and check out the park features at Crowley, Hemlock, Whitmore Bolles Parks and the newest additions to Morningside Park. Dunworth Pool is open daily and Ford Woods Pool is open on weekends.

Henry Ford’s Fair Lane

Fair Lane was the home of Clara and Henry Ford. The gardens and grounds are open to the public and a picture perfect place for a picnic, play date or nature walk – it’s also FREE!

Beat The Heat at Kidcadia

Sit back and relax while the kids play at Kidcadia, a whimsical indoor play cafe that’s truly one of our favorites.

Cuddle Up At The Drive-In

See a movie any night at the region’s only year-round drive-ins – the Ford-Wyoming Drive In is a timeless classic that shows new releases nightly.

Photo: Greenfield Village