Skull Island Day Camp is in its 21st year of operation. The camp is not designed to be the biggest in terms of accommodating numbers of campers but definitely strives to be the best.

Our hours of operation are very flexible for all types of working parents. Our normal hours of operation are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with an option of many pick up and drop off times. We also offer late pick up ($10/hour) until 6:00 pm with a daily option of picking your child up at 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm also. Our boats begin running at 7:50 am and operate continuously every 15 minutes or so until approx 9:20 am every day to allow the parent an easy in/out procedure for their child on their route to work. Reversing the procedure in the afternoon parents have the flexibility of picking their child up at 3, 4, 5 or 6 each day as needed. For added flexibility parents can sign their child up for a full week or just a day or two each week.

Camp begins operation M – F 8am to 6pm beginning June 10th thru Aug 30th. (No July 4,5,6)

Weekly prices are $435. Daily prices $95