Children’s Hospital of Michigan cares about kids and their families. Not only does the hospital provide world class care to patients, it also mobilizes its partners to help the community at large. Each year, LittleGuide Detroit joins in the effort to support Children’s Hospital of Michigan’s annual Cereal Drive and we hope you will too.

For over a dozen years, Children’s Hospital of Michigan and its community partners have raised more than 11 million servings of cereal for kids in southeast Michigan who need food when school is out for the summer. In southeast Michigan, more than 305,000 children receive free or reduced-price meals in school. When school recesses for the summer, these children are vulnerable to undernourishment and hunger. Collected cereal will be donated to Gleaners Community Food Bank, who will distribute the cereal collection to children and their families over the summer.

LittleGuide Detroit will be donating cereal boxes to Children’s Hospital and if you’d like to get involved, here’s how you can help.


  • Online: All virtual donations will go to Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan to support the community wherever the need is greatest this year. To donate, click here.
  • In Person: You will be able to deliver collected cereal to Children’s Hospital of Michigan, by appointment, beginning May 31st through June 7th.