Looking for inspiration + ideas for things to do with kids in Metro Detroit? Tried and true suggestions that real moms actually do? Here they are! Every week LittleGuide Detroit spotlights a local Mom in our #MomLife series.
If you’re looking for encourage and good company, check out the MOMS Club. The Wayne County group hosts weekly playdates and regular mom-only events. Not only is it an easy and fun way to keep busy, it’s a great way to build community and feel connected to other moms going through the same things in life. LittleGuide’s Carrie is a member and loves it.
Meet Rachel
Hi Mama’s! My name is Rachel. I am a full-time stay at home mom to Mary (6) and Alice (2.5 going on 18). I am president of the MOMS Club of Livonia, Northville, Plymouth, Canton, Redford, Westland and Garden City! I am very passionate about helping other mom’s out, on this ride we call motherhood and I love meeting new people. We currently have about 70 moms in the club and are constantly growing! My favorite thing about the club is we have mom’s in all different stages of motherhood. You can always find a friend and someone who is going through the same tantrums or sleepless nights as you if you reach out!
I also run a small side business with my friend called Two Crafty Moms’. This started as me creating headbands for my girls and others saying they loved them! The pandemic made me stir crazy, so I figured why not try selling some things. The rest is history.
Favorite Ways To Spend Family Time:
- Playing football as a family
- Gardening
- Being outside
Favorite Places To Go:
Favorite Bedtime Stories
- I’ll Love you Forever by Robert Munch
- Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin
- The Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Best Park/Playground:
We LOVE parks and are a sucker for good ones! I can’t pick just one! Scarlet’s Park in Commerce, Settlers Park in Hartland and Plymouth Township Park (aka two parks as my 6 year old calls it).
Best Family-Friendly Annual Event:
The Fowlerville Fair is the last week of July every year! I used to show 4-H there and love it.
Your Mom Must-Have:
The MOMS Club! My friends in the club and coffee are my two lifelines that I couldn’t do without!
Best Spring Destination or Event:
The Livonia Spree fireworks or the Rotory Clubs Easter Egg event! Both are great free, family friendly events!
“Pat Yourself on the Back” Accomplishment:
I’m surviving motherhood! I kept my kids alive for this long, I call that a win. We are also participating in the 1,000 Hours Outside Challenge! We’ve clocked in just over 80 hours so far. We can’t wait for warmer weather!