Weeks in the house without friends, an abrupt transition to virtual learning and uncertainties at home can create a lot of stress for both kids and parents. The #HealthyKidsQuarantined initiative was launched by The Center for Health and Community Impact in the College of Education at Wayne State University following the stay at home order to provide daily nutrition and physical activity plans to families online for FREE.


The #HealthyKidsQuarantined initiative makes it easy to find ideas to get moving and make healthy choices. Keeping active doesn’t have to be added to your already long to-do list, instead, do a variety of short fun exercise activities throughout the day to help you and your kids get the recommended 60 minutes of play each day. From yoga and meditation to dance and mini workouts here are a few of our favorite ideas:


When you can’t leave the house, trips to the kitchen have an increased appeal. Make it easier to make healthy snacking choices with these simple steps:

  • Leave a plate of washed, sliced veggies or fruit on the counter makes them an easy choice
  • Drink more water (try a tasty infused water recipe)
  • Use budget-friendly frozen or canned fruits (packed in water or 100% juice) to whip up simple and delicious smoothies


We all have a lot on our plate these days but taking extra steps to keep active is important and can help you kids develop increased immunity, it reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression and helps students perform better academically.


You can access these and more daily activity suggestions, nutrition resources, and fun challenges on the Center for Health and Community Impact’s social media pages: