Get out the house and into nature. Take a break from the screen and take in some fresh air with a family nature walk. Use the time outside to connect with one another and with the world around you. Below are kid-friendly activities to keep the ‘this is boring’ moans at bay. And enter to win a FREE Outdoor Explorer Kit from LittleGuide Detroit!
- Examine the trees. Look for different types and if they have started to grow leaves.
- Bird watch. Keep an eye out for birds, note their different sounds and colors.
- Make music with nature. Bring empty plastic bottles from home and fill them with rocks and seeds along the walk for music shakers.
- Look up – are there clouds in the sky? Do you notice pictures in their shape?
- Shake things up. If you’re feeling weary, hop like frog, flutter like a butterfly or dig like a mole.
- Spotted! A stick bug. Use sticks, leaves and seeds to create nature critters along the trail.
- Collect sticks, leaves and flowers and use as paint brushes in the dirt or with paint at home.
- Make a nature mandala. A mandala is a circle with a pattern. Collect items and lay them out in a fun design.
Find the perfect place to explore – check out our Metro Detroit Family Hiking Guide
Photo credit: Jessica Human