The solar eclipse can be a once in a lifetime experience, especially in our backyard (it’s not expected to happen again in Michigan until 2099!). Share the experience with your littles at a special event…and maybe even consider driving south to Ohio on Monday, April 8th for the complete experience.
FREE Solar Eclipse Viewing @ Longway Planetarium (Flint)
Buy your customized Longway Planetarium logo’d eclipse viewing sunglasses in advance for just $2/pair (while supplies last) inside Longway and Sloan Museum gift shops, and then bring the family to Longway Planetarium on April 8 12pm to 5pm, for an afternoon of fun and fascination, including: telescope solar viewing on the lawn, hands-on crafts and activities, special showings of Totality every 30 minutes in the dome ($3/person) and more!
Total Eclipse On The Farm @ Kackleberry Farms (Monroe)
Kackleberry Farms is celebrating spring and the solar eclipse on April 6th – 8th. On Saturday and Sunday you can enjoy solar eclipse themed farm fun and on Monday, there will be a viewing party. Tickets are $20 and available online.
Solar Eclipse Celebration @ Ann Arbor Hands On Museum (Ann Arbor)
Learn all about astronomy at The Ann Arbor Hands On Museum’s hands-on activity tables on Sunday, April 7th (11am to 3pm), and get ready for the the first total solar eclipse since 2017! All activities are included with Museum admission. Daily admission is $16 per person.
Solar Eclipse Celebration @ Leslie Science & Nature Center (Ann Arbor)
Explore the night sky in the Leslie Science & Nature Center StarLab, dive into all things space at our hands-on activity tables, and meet nocturnal wildlife up close on Monday, April 8th (1:30pm to 4:30pm). Pick up a pair of eclipse viewing glasses (included with your ticket) to safely watch the eclipse. Tickets are $5 per person.
Partial Solar Eclipse @ Cranbrook Institute of Science (Bloomfield Hills)
Cranbrook Institute of Science will be hosting a viewing party for the partial solar eclipse on Monday, April 8 (11am to 4pm). Join astronomers and fellow celestial enthusiasts for a viewing celebration with a state-of-the-art telescope, astronomy-themed activities, and more! Indoor astronomy-themed activities are available with the purchase of general admission. For clear and safe observation of the event, special eclipse-viewing glasses will be available for purchase for $5 each at the Science Shop.
Total Solar Eclipse @ River Raisin National Battlefield Park (Monroe)
Join the Eclipse Explorer Junior Ranger program with viewing glasses (supplies limited) from 10am to 5pm on Monday, April 8th. There will be family activities from 3:15pm to 4:30pm, this is a FREE event.
Solar Eclipse Viewing Party @ Ford House (Grosse Pointe Shores)
Ford House and the Michigan Science Center are joining together to welcome visitors to witness the awe-inspiring spectacle of the solar eclipse on the grounds of the historic Ford House on Monday, April 8, 2024, 12pm to 4:30pm. Family-friendly activities include: Pinhole Projector Making (arts and crafts activity to safely view the eclipse), Kid Safety Shields for Eclipse Glasses (arts and crafts activity to shield peripheral sunlight around eclipse glasses), Solar Telescopes, and Sunspotters (science technology to safely view the sun), and NISENet’s Build a Moon Base Camp. Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for kids.
FREE Solar Eclipse Watch Party @ Cullen Plaza (Detroit)
Celebrate seeing a near total solar eclipse with the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, Outdoor Adventure Center, and Huron Clinton Metroparks on Monday, April 8 at 2pm. You will receive a free pair of viewing glasses while supplies last and themed snacks, like Sun Chips and Moon Pies. You can view the eclipse through a large telescope with staff from the Huron Clinton Metroparks. You’ll be able to view a demo of the solar eclipse and go on a planet walk with staff from the Outdoor Adventure Center (pre-registration for planet walk REQUIRED). Free parking is available at Cullen Plaza 1340 Atwater St. Detroit, MI 48207. Registion is FREE but encouraged for this event.
Eclipse Party @ Brandenburg Park (Chesterfield Township)
The library is hosting an eclipse party in partnership with parks and recreation at Brandenburg Park. The library will be bringing a limited supply of eclipse glasses to the park. You can also get glasses ahead of time at the check-out desk. One pair per library card. Day of activities will include an eclipse themed storywalk, an eclipse craft, and a hands-on activity. Parks and recreation will be providing a moon themed snack. Activities and the eclipse will begin on Monday, April 8th at 2pm.
Eclipse Party @ Greenmead Historical Park (Livonia)
Head to Greenmead Historical Park’s Alexander Blue House on Monday, April 8th (2pm to 4pm) for a fun-filled solar eclipse party! Witness the wonder of this celestial event with safe viewing methods, snacks, and solar-themed activities. Viewing glasses will be provided and advance registration is required. This event is best suited for ages 8-12. Tickets are $17.
The Moon will begin to pass in front of the Sun at 1:58pm, reaching its maximum at approximately 3:14pm, darkening our skies. Enjoy a partial eclipse in Michigan or drive south and experience a complete eclipse of the sun in Ohio.

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