Looking for something new to do, check out the Fascination Factory in Birmingham!

There’s a new place to play in metro Detroit. Fascination Factory is the cure for boredom. Switch up your daily playtime routine and introduce your littles to a curated S.T.E.A.M toy collection that has everything they need to create their own world while you sit back and relax. Designed with littles in mind, the space is open and airy. Let the kids explore while you sit back and relax with friends.

In addition to open play you can also register for Monday morning Art or Music classes that run weekly from April 17th to May 22nd.

Fascination Factory can also be added to your birthday party idea list! Enjoy an all-inclusive birthday celebration where all you need to do is bring your own cake!

Start Making Plans

  • Address:  2295 E Lincoln St; Suite 150, Birmingham, MI 48009
  • Cost: $30 for the first child ages 1 and up, $20 for second child and $15 for the third
  • Monthly Membership: $99 for a monthly membership and $129 for two children, an additional $20 for each additional child
  • Time: Wednesday thru Saturday from 9am to 5:30pm

Looking for more to do in Birmingham? Here are 5 Reasons To Visit Birmingham This Spring.

Photo credit: Melissa Douglas / Fascination Factory